
Tuesday, 21 May 2013

68th Foot (Durham) Light Infantry

Those of you who have read my Flames of War posts will know my love for the Durham Light Infantry (DLI)
If you haven't looked at those posts, please do...there is some great history and personal accounts from members of the Regiment.

When I started painting Napoleonics, the first regiment I painted was my Gordon Highlanders. This was purely because they were the only models that my local games store had in stock! My plan quickly evolved though to try and re-create the 7th Division from the Peninsular War (specifically the Battle of Vittoria) because they included the Durham Light Infantry.

The 7th Division is actually very interesting . It was known as 'the Mongrel Division' because it contained such a mix of troops from different nationalities.
Here is my eventual planned units:

1st Brigade: Major General Barnes:            
1/6th Foot Regiment
3rd Provisional Battalion
2/24th Foot Regiment
2/58th Foot Regiment
Brunswick Oels (9 coys)
2nd Brigade: Major General Grant:
1/51st Foot Regiment
1/68th Foot Regiment
1/82nd Foot Regiment
Chasseurs Britanniques(French)

3rd Brigade:Major General Le Cor
7th Portuguese Regiment
19th Portuguese Regiment
2nd Cacadores
plus some supporting units of cavalry and artillery.
Well, that's enough of my plan, here is my finished 68th Foot (DLI):

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Thursday, 16 May 2013

Wargaming Girl's Giveaway

Another plug for the fantastic prizes on offer at Wargaming Girl's fabulous blog!
Please check it out, follow her blog and who might get your hands on some of her goodies! ( keep it clean please!)

3D Printing and the future of our hobby

I was listening to a radio phone in debate about 3D printing the other day which of course was focusing on the creation of a printed Handgun in the US, but it got me thinking about 3D printing and the future of our hobby.
      Now I'm no technology expert by any means but 3D printing surely raises some interesting questions.
      Will we one day be able to scan a model and print off a copy for ourselves? We can probably already do this now but I imagine the costs involved would currently make this unviable for your average Space Marine... But what about for that one off expensive character model?? If the plans were published on the Internet you could do it?
     The costs are bound to come down as always will this lead to everyone being able to do printing in their own home or will it be more like printing photographs now? Yes I can print my own photos and once in a while I do, but the inks not cheap and it's a hassle... Much easier to pop into Asda and get 300 photos for a few this the future model?
      What about the studios themselves? Will they all go bust? Maybe we need to look at the example of music? I can download illegal tunes and I admit I have in the past but I don't now...I use amazon or iTunes. I like to do it legally and I like the 'real' thing. Maybe in the future that's what will happen?
      Games workshop, privateer press et al?? They must be quaking in their boots and if not they should be! At the very least they should be looking at HMV etc and seeing bankruptcy as a possible future? Now much as lots of people dislike GW  I'm sure most people admire their models and probably got into the hobby through them. What if they ceased to exist?
      The demise of Gw and our hobby has been predicted for a long time... Video games were meant to kill it but they haven't so probably 3D printing won't either but I do think it will see a change!
     Maybe it will bring a positive change.... More designers in their own bedrooms, more smaller independents, cheaper models, more added extras to inspire loyalty... Who knows????

Just a few thoughts......

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

1st Battalion King's German Legion Hussars

Golly gosh didn't realize I Hadn't posted any new Napoleonic stuff for a little while!
Well here are some more Napoleonics I've been busy with, 1st Battalion King's German Legion Hussars. Quite pleased with them especially as I HATE painting horses!!
The figures are more Perry loveliness hope you all like them?!?
Oh and did I mention I HATE painting horses?? Well I do.. I HATE painting horses!!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Friday, 3 May 2013

Chaos Dwarfs part 8 : Hobgoblin Bolt thrower

Here are some work in progress pictures of my Hobgoblin Bolt thrower.
It is scratch built from plasticard and plenty of gubbinz from my Bitz Box!
The 2 Hobgoblin crew are built from Skaven plaguemonks and GW goblins while the Chaos Dwarf  Daemonsmith is a converted Forgeworld model:

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Thursday, 2 May 2013

Chaos Dwarfs part 7 : Hobgoblin Warriors

Time for the next installment of my Chaos Dwarfs: a unit of Hobgoblin warriors. I Love painting Greenskins in general and Hobgoblins in particular. These were converted from the GW common goblins boxset and some GW Skaven plauge monks plus some greenstuff.....

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